Meeting link for online Case discussion on peripheral vascular disease: 28 Oct. 2018
Post graduate surgery interactive case discussions
- Online case discussions in surgery for post graduates in surgery will be held on every Sunday between 6-00 PM to 8-00 PM.
- The demo (free) discussions will be there up to last week of November 2018.
- Those who are interested in these case discussions can register by filling the application form and the link to join the meeting will be received by an e-mail.
- For any inquiry, contact 9440103153 / 9652546111.
* Fill the application form to receive the meeting link by an e-mail or updates to the provided mobile number.

Synopsis of Surgery
Synopsis of Surgery is the latest edition authored by Dr. Yogi Ram Bolisetty and an essential resource for all undergraduate and postgraduate students. The synoptic form of the book, coupled with appropriately detailed topics, covers surgery in a ready reference format, and will serve as an unparalleled accompaniment to standard textbooks on surgery.
This book covers all topics of surgery comprehensively and is designed to assist students to master the fundamentals, enhance their aptitude for clinical problem solving, and act as a reliable guide for exam preparations.
Yogi Ram’s Lectures on Surgery
“Yogi Ram’s Lectures on Surgery” text book is intended for the medical students to have a concise subject, easy to understand and represent in the examinations with the material that is collected from various standard textbooks.
This book features — line diagrams, flow charts, tables and summary boxes for all the topics for enabling the students to review the topics easily just before the examinations.

E-Learning Section: Sample Class Demonstrations.
The E – Learning Section has collection of sample surgery training programs to get you a feel of class room training session.